Computer Engineering Quiz 18 Related Post Computer Engineering Quiz 20 Computer Engineering Quiz 19 Computer Engineering Quiz 17 Computer Engineering Quiz 16 Computer Engineering Quiz 15 1. Functional programming paradigms treat values as __________ entity. Null Triple Double Single 2. Glass box Testing is basically knowing the _____________ of the software. Design Internal Structure Architecture Documentation 3. GRANT and REVOKE are _____________ commands of SQL. DML DDL DCL DRL 4. Gray codes are an example of which of the following codes? Weighted codes Non-weighted codes Reflective codes Sequential codes 5. HCI plays a role to _________ the gap between the interfaces of machines and human. Depict Bridge up Demonstrate Maximize 6. HDLC stands for ____________. High Level Data Link Control High Level Data Link Communication High Level Data List Control Huge Level Data Link Control 7. Hertz (Hz) represents _____________________ unit of measurement in honor of Heinrich Hertz, who first demonstrated the existence of radio waves. Flashes per second Cycles per second Metre per second Radian per second 8. Hiding of ______________ in an object of the class is called Encapsulation. Properties Properties and Methods Methods Information 9. How are busses known due to synchronization and A-synchronization communication? Time of data transfer Types of devices connected Type of data to be transferred Data convertion 10. Repeater is _____________. An signal amplifier A network Software A signal regenerator A network Protocol 11. How are busses known due to synchronization and A-synchronization communication? Uploads/images/DocNo-1265/QuestionNo-4imgNo-8(34×34).Jpeg Time of data transfer Types of devices connected Type of data to be transferred Data convertion 12. Human-computer interface specialists are _______________. User-centered System-centered Logical Procedure-centered 13. iAPX88 stands for ____________________________. Intel Active Processor Extensions 88 Intel Advanced Processor Execution 88 Intel Advanced Processor Extra 88 Intel Advanced Processor Extensions 88 14. IEEE 802.11 is standard wireless LAN that uses radio signals at _______________. 2GHz 2.4GHz 2.1GHz 2.5 GHz 15. IEEE802.3ah defines Giga Ethernet over ________________. Fiber UTP Coaxial Cable STP 16. If A = {2, 4, 17, 23}, then |A| = ___________. 17 4 23 2 17. If d|a and d|b then d is a common divisor of___________. a and b Only a Only b Only d 18. If someone has trespass the private property or NO GO Area, what should the security officer do? Arrest the person and handover to police Inform the police / law enforcement agencies Give a warning It is not a criminal offence 19. If the ALU instructions use only the CPU registers for the operands and result, the machine type is called _________. Loadmemory Loadstore Accessmemory Registermemory 20. If the laptops have identifiable information stored on them, which of the following is NOT necessary for confidentiality of information? Do not leave portable computer on view within your car Do not leave portable computer in your car overnight Ensure that system is password protected Do not keep backup of confidential information Loading … Question 1 of 20